Fedmine is a subscription service that offers a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) SaaS product, providing a market intelligence platform for stakeholders to access timely and accurate information for market research, performance measurement, and decision-making.

Established in 2001, the Fedmine platform revolutionizes federal agency spending analysis with its Software-As-A-Service (SaaS) solution which offers real-time visibility into federal spending and other related business activities. By harnessing data from over 18 federal sources, we empower federal agencies to seamlessly explore the market, gain valuable insights through comprehensive spending analysis, and access detailed vendor profiles in real-time.

We work with our federal clients to develop appropriate solutions that fit a customer’s problem space by capturing and managing evolving requirements to execute accurate service delivery. Used by various divisions and bureaus with an agency, our game-changing solution mitigates risks by allowing you to fully understand a market, vendor, or even procurement history. We understand that ultimately, deploying a strategic methodology increases the likelihood of success, thereby increasing the chances of sustaining that success.

What makes Fedmine unique is our core value attributes which include:
  • Fedmine offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive data on the federal market, making it the ultimate federal business intelligence tool. Unlike any other platform, Fedmine provides real-time information on Prime Contracts & Opportunities, and near-real-time updates on SubContract Awards.
  • The timeliness of our data is unparalleled. Having access to Federal Contract information as soon as it is released is the key to gaining a competitive advantage. Since federal agency priorities are ever-changing, and agendas shift – knowing about and being able to adjust to these changes as they happen positions our clients for greater chances of success.
  • The completeness of our information eliminates the need for our clients to search through multiple databases, websites, or publications. Fedmine brings together, into one database, all Federal Contract information across business sectors, across agencies, and geographies.
  • Fedmine offers a seamless and user-friendly experience. Our solution is specifically designed to empower users as knowledgeable professionals, rather than technical experts. With a wide range of standard reports readily available, as well as the ability to easily create custom reports, alerts, and dashboards, our system provides a comprehensive and intuitive solution for federal agencies.

Benefits of Choosing the Fedmine Solution for Federal Agencies

Increase participation of small businesses and other socioeconomic categories characterized in the federal marketplace.

Armed with the right information and timely knowledge, the agency could encourage a larger pool of companies to enter the contracting arena, which in turn should:

  • Streamline the agency’s efforts to achieve its small business contracting goals.
  • Facilitate the participation of underrepresented businesses, including minority-owned firms, in the federal marketplace
  • Foster transparency in federal contracting activities, allowing individual contracting offices to seamlessly exchange ideas and share best practices in real-time.
  • Enable efficient vendor sourcing based on industry, location, and socio-economic status, resulting in cost savings in the acquisition process. Facilitate contracting efforts by showcasing profiles of qualified vendors.
  • Enhances ability to see the full business portfolio of a contractor, their contracting vehicles, industry codes, etc. to enable optimal RFP decision strategies
  • Our solution significantly enhances the government’s capacity to accurately assess the size of the available pool of small business contractors in a specific location or socio-economic category, thereby promoting fair and competitive procurement practices.
  • Increase diversity in federal contracting making it easier for the agency to identify qualified minority- and women-owned suppliers

Enhancing Market Research Efforts:

We understand that FAR Part 10 requires agencies to conduct “market research to arrive at the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting supplies and services”.  To help federal agencies with their market research Fedmine provides unique benefits to help the federal government in several ways, some of them include:

  • Determine existing solutions available that could meet the agency’s requirements
  • Evaluate products and services procured to help reduce redundancy
  • Identifying providers that agencies are buying from so those contractors can be included in procurement efforts
  • Understand the existing procurements including contract vehicles, set-asides, and pricing
  • Provide one database that integrates the data from authoritative federal data sets including fpds.gov, sam.gov, dsbs
  • Monitoring small business numbers daily to track progress toward goals
  • Tracking direct agency spending to help manage budgets

Achieve Your Goals with our Reporting Suite

Our Goaling Suite is a robust dashboard that provides the achievements for the agency based on the agency hierarchy and uses the SBA Goaling methodology. The dashboard includes:

  • Graphical representation of Goaling for all six socio-economic categories.  Graphs include the ability to toggle between monthly and cumulative performance compared to previous years and by component.
    • A click on any socioeconomic performance allows you to see additional information on historical spending for the agency
    • Tabular representation included allows user to view contractors included in that obligation amount
  • Spend performance can be viewed by bureau, and each view can be broken out by socioeconomic status for further analysis. Standard features include:
    • Drill down capability to view contract action, vendors, company profiles, and individual transactions
    • Data download capability to PDF
    • Download capability into Excel

Our Analytical tool report allows you to dive deep into additional insights about your agency such as:

  • Monthly performance
  • Impact of modifications
  • Aggregate reports
  • SBA Anomaly Reports
  • Top Prime Contractors
  • Top small business contractors
  • Top contracting offices
  • NAICS/PSC industry reports
  • Government Category Reports
  • GWAC/IDV/GSA reports
  • First Timers
  • Top Competition Categories
  • Top goaling Category Details
  • Exhibit 53 initiative
  • Solicitation by document type
  • Comparison of Small V. OTSB
  • Socioeconomic analysis by SBA district
  • SBA Size standard anomalies
  • SAT Performance

Explore the Exciting New & Recent Entrants in your Agency

Understand the new entrants in your agency, based on the OMB’s Memo M-23-11 which is focused on increasing the participation of new entrants into the federal procurement process.  This memo allows agencies to include recent entrants and further defines them as follows:

  • (a) a “new entrant” will be defined as an entity of any size that has received a prime Federal contract award over the micro-purchase threshold (MPT)
    • (i) for the first time (also referred to as a “first-time entrant)”; or
    • (ii) after having not received an award in the previous 5 fiscal years (also referred to as a “re-entrant”)
  • (b) a “recent entrant” will be defined as an entity of any size that has received a prime Federal contract award over the MPT during the 3-year period following the fiscal year in which it is a first-time entrant.

Based on this requirement we have created a report that allows the agency to track the new entrants based on the OMB memo.

  • Search filters allow the selection of agency and bureau as well as the fiscal year.
  • Results display the New and Recent Entrants based on dollars obligated and number of companies and provide a year-over-year graphical view.
  • The report further allows the user to drill into details such as the socioeconomic categories and the top 10 NAICS.

Gain Insight into Your Company/Supplier

Fedmine Company Profiles offers a comprehensive and consolidated perspective of the company you desire to collaborate with. Our Prime and Subcontractor Company Profiles provide you with detailed insights, allowing you to make informed decisions. View:

  • Comparative 19-year federal contract views with graphs for each government prime contractor and parent contractor with known subsidiaries doing business with the federal government. View Contract awards by funding and contracting agencies with the ability to drill down to the transaction level 
  • Explore all the subcontracts awarded to and received by the company.
  • GAO Protests filed by the contractor 
  • All relevant FAPIIS information, Exclusions, and Legal Proceedings are seamlessly integrated and readily visible within the company profile, providing a comprehensive overview for informed decision-making.
  • Explore the contracts categorized by GSA schedules and Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) and Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts.
  • Ability to view company profile by subsidiaries

Additional Ways to Leverage Fedmine

Transactional level detail on awarded contracts: 

The detailed information provided for federal contract awards includes company details, contracting and funding office information, contract numbers, amount, completion dates, and subcontract plan requirements, among other relevant data. We enhance this transactional detail by incorporating information from other datasets, such as subcontract information, Contract Vehicle, GSA Schedule type, and links to solicitations on sam.gov.

Additionally, Fedmine offers the capability to search for contract awards based on various criteria, including Company Headquarters Location (HQ), Contract Award by Place of Performance (POP), Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA), state, county, and zip code. This search feature is available in multiple sections throughout the Fedmine platform, providing users with a comprehensive and efficient experience.

View an Entire Contract

View all contract details, with Task Order Summary Analysis number of actions, base and all options value, number of Subcontractors, total dollars Subcontracted by Subcontractor, Ultimate Completion Date and Actions by Task Order and for the Contract.

Category Management is a powerful procurement strategy that effectively allocates resources to target specific spending areas. By leveraging the GSA categories and subcategories, users can gain valuable insights into spending patterns across different categories and subcategories. View spend by category at an agency level, including awards as small business and other than small business (OTSB).

 Fedmine’s platform provides access to a comprehensive grants database. Explore the FAADS database, which can be easily searched by State, Congressional District, Agency, or CFDA Program Number. Discover grants based on location, agency, year, or keywords. Stay informed about grant opportunities by searching for them based on agency, keywords, location, date, funding activity category, and funding instrument type. With Fedmine, you can unlock a world of funding possibilities.

Expiring Contracts

Create a comprehensive list of contracts set to expire within a fiscal year based on customized filters, such as NAICS codes, PSC codes, socio-economic categories, expiring 8a contracts, and keyword search.

 Explore the extensive collection of funded IT opportunities in the searchable OMB Exhibit 53 for a span of three years. Uncover a wealth of potential projects that provide you with visibility into an agency’s success in the technology sector.