Navigating the complexities of the federal contracting landscape can be overwhelming. With countless task orders, varying criteria, and the challenge of sifting through noise to uncover viable opportunities, contractors often struggle to focus their efforts effectively. Recognizing this, GovSpend and Deep Water Point & Associates have joined forces to offer a powerful solution tailored to the needs of federal contractors: the combined power of GovSpend’s Fedmine platform and Deep Water Point & Associates’ GWAC NorthStar™ tool.
In our recent webinar, GovSpend’s Bradley Scott and Shannon Boudreaux, and Deep Water Point & Associates’ Brian Seagrave walked viewers through a typical contractor workflow that leverages both platforms. The session showcased how this partnership is transforming the way contractors identify, evaluate, and pursue federal opportunities.
Why GovSpend + DWPA?
The partnership between GovSpend and Deep Water Point & Associates is built on a shared commitment to helping federal contractors succeed. Some of the benefits of this collaboration include:
- Vast Market Expertise – Both companies have served the Federal market for more than 20 years, providing data, research, and advisory services to tens of thousands of Federal contractors.
- Complementary Offerings – Both Fedmine and NorthStar™ have been purpose-built from the ground up with Federal contractors in mind. Each offers tailored solutions for market intelligence AI-powered opportunity scoring, and the right capture strategy to win.
- A Better Solution for Federal Contractors – The two platforms together deliver an unparalleled advantage for Federal contractors looking to win more business.
How the Two Platforms Work Together
1. Identify Potential Recompetes
Utilize Fedmine’s GWAC/IDIQ Center to identify awards relevant to your firm. In the GWAC/IDIQ Center, you can search for awards that were made in the last 4 years under the original OASIS, Alliant Small Business, or other vehicles and are likely to be recompeted on your new vehicles. You can then filter down to those that best fit your firm and your annual growth needs.

2. Qualify the Leads
Next, use Fedmine’s historical spending data to investigate recompete details, such as when and how it will be recompeted, the agency’s preferences and bias concerning incumbents, or what the agency plans to change in the recompetition. Qualifying the leads helps you avoid leads that are not real, for which the playing field is not level, or whose requirements don’t fit your business. You can also utilize Deep Water Point & Associates’ agency experts to assist you in discovering agency preferences.

3. Monitor Your Vehicle Sources
Use GWAC NorthStar™ to automatically collect, read, and score every announcement released on your contract vehicles, setting aside those that don’t fit your interests. Here’s how the tool works:
- Automated Ingestion and Analysis: The platform reads task orders from sources like GSA eBuy every two hours, analyzing every detail without relying on potentially inaccurate keywords or NAICS codes.
- Customizable Scoring with the Druthers Score: You can create preference matrices based on your strengths, certifications, and strategic goals. Each task order is scored against these criteria, helping teams prioritize their efforts.
- Instant Notifications: Alerts ensure that high-priority opportunities are flagged as soon as they are released. Collect, read, and score every announcement released on your contract vehicles for fit to you faster than you could do yourself.

With GWAC NorthStar™, you can start your pursuit on day one before the competition even knows the opportunity was released. Don’t forget to leverage Fedmine’s contract intelligence to differentiate your bid.
The GovSpend and Deep Water Point & Associates partnership offers a new advantage for federal contractors. By combining the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence, contractors can streamline their operations, make smarter decisions, and achieve greater success in the competitive federal market.
Ready to take your federal contracting strategy to the next level? Request a demo to see how Fedmine and GWAC NorthStar™ can help you achieve your goals.