A year ago, we discovered in GovSpend’s data that many cities and counties were beginning to purchase bulletproof vests specifically for EMT/EMS responders. This was to protect them when they enter potentially dangerous situations to assist someone who needs medical attention immediately. You can read more about that here.

Now, states are going a step further in their efforts to ensure the safety of first responders. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new law which will allow medical first responders, such as EMT/EMS and Paramedics, to carry firearms into potentially dangerous situations, such as shootings, drug raids, hostage situations, and armed suicide situations. 

Florida is not the first state to sign this into law, nor are they the last one. Kansas and Ohio already have emergency responder-firearm laws in effect. Tennessee, Mississippi, and Virginia have proposed similar bills in their respective states. Florida’s law does require those first responders carrying firearms must complete annual firearm safety training and tactical training. 

This new law in Florida took effect on July 1st. 

State, Local, & Federal agencies pass thousands of laws every year. Some of these laws, like this one, open the door for more government spending. If agencies decide it is in the best interest to arm their first responders in particular situations, then they will need to purchase the necessary tools.

Having access to a database that can notify you of this can give you an advanced warning if you want to take advantage of an opportunity to sell to the government. GovSpend’s bid notifications can alert you as soon as a Bid is published and the historical spending data can show you if any spending has already happened. 

Arm yourself with data for more powerful government sales. 

About the Author: GovSpend

GovSpend’s vision is to be the leading trusted source of data, analytics, and insight for organizations buying and selling in the public sector marketplace. Our SLED and Federal solutions enable better decisions, cultivate collaboration, and build a greater sense of community in the government procurement ecosystem.

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