Procurement Intelligence for Smart Government Purchasing
Federal & SLED Agencies
As stewards of public funds, government agencies are tasked with procuring the most competitive pricing and favorable contract terms for the goods and services they buy. Whether you’re with a federal agency looking to award contracts to small businesses or a K-12 school district looking to upgrade its learning software, GovSpend has procurement intelligence for agencies looking to optimize their purchasing strategy.
Federal Agencies
By harnessing data from 19 federal sources, the Fedmine platform empowers federal agencies to seamlessly explore the market, gain valuable insights through comprehensive spending analysis, and access detailed vendor profiles in real-time.
Diversify Your Contracts and Meet Small Business Goals
Armed with vendor profiles that include socioeconomic status, federal agencies can easily facilitate the participation of underrepresented businesses, including minority-owned firms and small businesses.
Meet FAR Part 10 Market Research Requirements
With real-time federal contract data, the Fedmine platform enables agencies to evaluate today’s market and meet their FAR Part 10 requirements. See who’s doing business with the federal government and what the competition looks like. Understand existing procurements including contract vehicles, set-asides, and pricing.
Monitor Your Performance Against Goals
Using SBA goaling methodology, our Goal Dashboard monitors how an agency is performing against its goals. View a graphical representation of goaling for all six socio-economic categories with the ability to compare against historical performance. Drill down to contract action, vendors, company profiles, and individual transactions, with ability to export to PDF or Excel.
Explore New & Recent Entrants In Your Agency
Using the OMB’s Memo M-23-1, the Fedmine platform helps your understand new and recent entrants in your agency and increase their participation in the federal procurement process. Filter your search by agency, bureau, or fiscal year, display your results by dollars obligated and number of companies, then drill down to details like socioeconomic categories and NAICS code.
Get to Know Your Contractors
Company Profiles on the Fedmine platform offer a single, comprehensive overview of a contractor or subcontractor you’re considering. View 19 years of contract information, with funding and agency details, plus GSA schedule, GWAC, and IDIQ categories. Go deeper with GAO protests, FAPIIS information, Exclusions, and Legal Proceedings for more informed contract decisions.
Research Awarded Contracts
With the Fedmine platform, federal agencies have access to a wealth of contract information down to the transaction level, including company details, contracting and funding office information, contract numbers, amount, completion dates, subcontract plan requirements, and more. We then enrich this data with related datasets, like subcontract information, Contract Vehicle, and GSA Schedule.
Contracting Information: SmartProcure Fedmine, LLC | GSA Contract #: GS-35F-0267X | SAM UEI: XDG7S7Q274R5 | CAGE Code: 94HW6
State, Local, & Education
With the GovSpend platform, state and local governments and school districts have the procurement intelligence they need to make smart purchasing decisions, ensuring fair and favorable contract terms for the tax dollars they manage.
Prepare For Your Next RFP
Kick off the RFP process knowing a fair price against your budget. Using historical agency purchase orders that align with your proposal details, you can review pricing, quantities, and supplier information and award your contracts accordingly.
Verify & Expand Your Vendors
Review your vendors’ government business, including what they sold, who they sold it to, and how much they sold it for. What’s more, you can review those same details for their competitors and gain a better understanding of their competitive landscape.
Grow Your Network of Agency Contacts
Find agencies who have purchased the products and services you need and use our contact information to reach out and gauge their satisfaction. Build your network of procurement officers so you can open the door to piggyback opportunities.
Optimize Your RFPs
Polish your next RFP using historical RFPs from agencies that have purchased similar goods or services. Ensure that your request has all the necessary details so it brings in competitive proposals and includes often forgotten requirements like delivery, installation, ongoing support, and removal.
Request Quotes From Vendors
Request quotes from the largest audience of companies actively competing for the business of local, state, and federal government agencies. Award directly on the platform, immediately notifying companies of who won, who lost, and the next steps.
Conduct Research for New Projects
Strengthen your market research for new projects related to nationwide initiatives like clean schools, green transportation, the Critical Infrastructure Information Act, and Alyssa’s Law. See what’s being discussed in public meetings and monitor purchasing trends in technology, sustainability, and security.
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