If someone asked you right now to respond to a survey about your current employer, do you know what you’d say? According to a recent study published in Forbes, 33% of people say work-life balance is their number one concern over compensation, advancement, and job stability.
It is important for all of us to have some kind of balance between work and life, but what that looks like might be different for every employee. So how is a company supposed to help its employees achieve this balance? It is after all in the best interest of the company. Employees who don’t have this balance and who feel they are being overworked are likely to experience a burnout.
In an article published in Forbes “The Highest Rated Companies For Work-Life Balance in 2018” GovSpend, listed as SmartProcure, was ranked #4 in the best small to medium sized companies for work-life balance.
GovSpend has achieved this success by maintaining an open dialogue with their employees on what they most want from their employer and their work environment. Leadership often sends out surveys to ensure they keep up to date on what their employees would like. This is why the company sponsored gym memberships, monthly company events, more flexible healthcare plans, and increased PTO were added to the company’s list of benefits.
“We are proud that our employees have such a positive opinion in regards to our culture. The more feedback and validation we receive, the more we can continue to improve.” – Kristen Ross, Director of People Operations at GovSpend.
At GovSpend, the leadership team is well aware the company wouldn’t exist without its employees, so they appreciate and value the importance of creating a great working environment.