Fleet Electric is a Massachusetts-based upfitter that specializes in custom workstations for vans and trailers used in underground and overhead utility applications. Prior to 2024, they dabbled in municipal sales but didn’t have the intelligence or manpower to tap into this fertile market.
In 2024, their President and CEO Mason White made the strategic decision to subscribe to the GovSpend platform. When asked what drove the decision, his answer was simple.
“We had FOMO. We wanted in on the public sector market.”
What’s more, without GovSpend, White calculated he would need to hire a 3-4 person team just to sift through thousands of bids and RFPs and isolate the opportunities worth their time. He knew he needed something beyond manpower – he needed data.
Partnering with GovSpend
After signing on, White and his sales team started working with their GovSpend Customer Success Manager to customize their searches and pinpoint upfitting opportunities in the Northeast, a region rich in municipal spending. Early on, the searches they built were compelling, but they weren’t delivering the gold White was after.
The team sat down once again with their CSM and started expanding their searches beyond upfitting, with a specific focus on the individual parts they distribute. This proved to be a turning point for Fleet Electric as GovSpend customers. By broadening their search criteria into component parts, they uncovered a fresh pipeline of government opportunities that could open new doors in their region and beyond.
Striking Gold
The icing on the cake was the ability to trigger email alerts every time a new bid or RFP matched their search criteria, which is how a $1M opportunity came onto their radar. Via their inboxes, Fleet Electric’s sales team discovered a bid from a transit authority in their region in need of electric inverters for their fleet of utility vehicles.
White and his team immediately started preparing their quote, and in roughly 8-10 weeks, they were awarded the business, signifying a major milestone in growing their public sector portfolio.
“This is another feather in our cap,” says White. “We’re in the game.”
In addition to winning the business, White feels confident that they have started to build a lasting relationship with this agency and will continue to earn their business. Moreover, Fleet Electric has already managed to extend their business in the area, selling a fleet of underground trucks to a nearby agency.
White happily attributes his company’s public sector success with GovSpend’s invaluable data and workflow tools. In describing its value, he compared it to panning for gold, with GovSpend doing the hard work to sift through debris and find the value.