SLED data

Webinar Recap: Top 5 Ways to Boost Sales with GovSpend

2024-07-08T10:35:34-04:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Government Contracting, SLED|Tags: , |

Last month, GovSpend host Paige Mockler hosted a practical webinar on the top 5 ways customers can boost their public sector sales using data and workflow tools on the GovSpend platform. Below, we recap her primary takeaways, giving readers ...

GovSpend Data Shows AI in Schools is Expanding Beyond the Classroom

2024-05-20T17:55:40-04:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: SLED|Tags: , , , |

Artificial intelligence in schools, particularly generative AI, was initially criticized as a method for cheating or cutting corners. But as use cases for AI grow, it may be the extra security everyone seeks. GovSpend’s Meeting Intelligence module shows ...