Read through our blog posts that are focused on State, Local or Education government procurement and contracting.

GovSpend Data Shows AI in Schools is Expanding Beyond the Classroom

2024-05-20T17:55:40-04:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: SLED|Tags: , , , |

Artificial intelligence in schools, particularly generative AI, was initially criticized as a method for cheating or cutting corners. But as use cases for AI grow, it may be the extra security everyone seeks. GovSpend’s Meeting Intelligence module shows ...

Are public schools still buying Learning Management Systems?

2024-05-02T15:11:13-04:00April 17th, 2024|Categories: Government Contracting, SLED|Tags: , |

A look at which LMS are gaining, which are losing steam, and which school districts are pumping the brakes Return of in-person learning continues brisk pace of LMS purchases Public schools loaded up on learning management ...

Webinar Recap: 5 Ways GovSpend Can Help SLED Agencies Meet Procurement Goals

2024-04-12T10:36:00-04:00March 18th, 2024|Categories: SLED|Tags: , , , |

In a recent webinar hosted by GovSpend Relationship Manager and SLED expert Paige Mockler, procurement professionals were shown how to leverage GovSpend’s public sector intelligence to meet their procurement goals. The agenda promised insights into vendor verification, sourcing new vendors, ...

Structuring the Unstructured: How We’re Using AI to Deliver New Public Sector Intelligence

2024-04-12T10:35:53-04:00March 18th, 2024|Categories: GovSpend News, SLED|Tags: |

I know what you’re thinking: Another post about AI and how it’s game-changing and if you’re not using it all day every day for everything you do, you’re miles behind the competition. Well, that might be half true. ...

Meeting Intelligence: December 2023

2023-12-24T03:16:53-05:00December 26th, 2023|Categories: GovSpend News, SLED|Tags: , , , |

This was a very exciting year for us at GovSpend as we introduced a unique but very powerful new module, Meeting Intelligence. While Govspend excels at providing actionable opportunities and insightful competitive intelligence to customers, it’s been a challenge ...

Government Terms

2023-10-05T11:18:28-04:00January 19th, 2022|Categories: SLED|

If you are a new vendor who is interested in selling to the government, it can be a bit confusing with all of the government jargon out there (or even if you’ve been selling for years!). We have compiled ...