meeting intelligence

How Meeting Intelligence Helps Implementation Specialists Anticipate New Opportunities

2025-02-27T14:28:37-05:00February 27th, 2025|Categories: Government Contracting, SLED|Tags: , |

For implementation specialists helping government agencies adopt new workflow management tools like CRM systems, HR performance platforms, or payroll and accounting software, timing is everything. The key to winning new business isn’t just responding to RFPs—it’s getting in front ...

GovSpend Data Shows AI in Schools is Expanding Beyond the Classroom

2024-05-20T17:55:40-04:00May 17th, 2024|Categories: SLED|Tags: , , , |

Artificial intelligence in schools, particularly generative AI, was initially criticized as a method for cheating or cutting corners. But as use cases for AI grow, it may be the extra security everyone seeks. GovSpend’s Meeting Intelligence module shows ...

Meeting Intelligence: December 2023

2023-12-24T03:16:53-05:00December 26th, 2023|Categories: GovSpend News, SLED|Tags: , , , |

This was a very exciting year for us at GovSpend as we introduced a unique but very powerful new module, Meeting Intelligence. While Govspend excels at providing actionable opportunities and insightful competitive intelligence to customers, it’s been a challenge ...